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Monument Rocks/Carpenter Trail Mustangs

Updated: Nov 14, 2024

For more information about these mustangs, please refer to the Little Book Cliffs Wild Horse List document available via a link on the Mustangs page of our website.

Sumac and Gaucho (November 2024)

Sumac: buckskin mare; off-center star, 2 rear socks

Gaucho: chestnut/sorrel stallion; star, strip, snip, right rear coronet, left rear sock, and left front sock


sorrel/chestnut mare; blaze, right front sock and a left rear sock (tall)

Pine (October 2023)

chestnut/sorrel mare; low star, connected strip, large snip, 2 rear socks (tall), left front sock

Pine and Gambler: (April 2023)

Pine: chestnut/sorrel mare; low star, connected strip, large snip, 2 rear socks (tall), left front sock

Gambler: wide blaze, belly spot on the right side, left front stocking, and a tall left rear sock

Cypress, Gambler, and Pine (April 2023)

Cypress: sorrel/chestnut stallion; star, strip, and 2 tall right socks

Gambler: palomino sabino mare; wide blaze, belly spot on the right side, left front stocking, and a tall left rear sock

Pine: chestnut/sorrel mare; low star, connected strip, large snip, 2 rear socks (tall), left front sock

Diablo (May 2023)

blue roan stallion; small star, snip, left front coronet, right rear sock, left rear sock

Diablo (June 2023)

blue roan stallion; small star, snip, left front coronet, right rear sock, left rear sock

Diablo (December 2023)

blue roan stallion; small star, snip, left front coronet, right rear sock, left rear sock


palomino mare; star, small strip (mid nose), small snip, left front sock, right rear sock

Redbud and colt (May 2023)

Redbud: palomino mare; star, small strip (mid nose), small snip, left front sock, right rear sock

sorrel colt with a blaze

Redbud (June 2023)

palomino mare; star, small strip (mid nose), small snip, left front sock, right rear sock

Pearl and Pyrite (2021 colt)

Pearl: cremello mare; wide blaze, 2 rear socks, left front sock, 2 blue eyes

Pyrite: blue roan colt; star, 2 right pasterns, 2 front coronet


chestnut/sorrel stallion; blaze, 2 rear stockings, and left front sock


red roan mare; apron blaze, 2 front socks, 2 rear stockings, and a left blue eye

Nimbus (October, 2022)

blue roan mare; blaze, blue left eye, and 4 socks

Hashka and Tempest

Hashka: Blue Roan colt; star, snip, right rear sock, left front coronet

Tempest: Chestnut/Sorrel mare; Blaze, blue left eye, 2 rear stockings, left front pastern, right front coronet


chestnut sabino stallion; apron, blaze, 4 socks (3 tall) and a white belly spot


buckskin mare; star, snip, left rear sock, and right front pastern

Oakley, Cree, and Neowise (December 2022)

Cree: bay colt; star, 2 rear socks

Neowise: red roan filly; star, strip, snip, 4 socks (Removed from the range by BLM during the September 2024 gather.)


chestnut/sorrel mare; bald face, 2 front socks, and 2 rear stockings

Indigo, Pharaoh, Houston and Cypress

Indigo: red roan stallion; small star ,snip, 2 rear socks, left front coronet

Houston: buckskin stallion; 2 rear socks

Cypress: sorrel/chestnut stallion; star, strip, and 2 tall right socks

Cypress (mid-November 2022)

sorrel/chestnut stallion; star, strip, and 2 tall right socks


palomino mare; blaze, left front sock, right front sock, and a left rear sock


black stallion; star, strip, snip, 2 rear socks (tall), and 2 front socks

Bling and Adobe (late November, 2022)

Bling: black stallion; star, strip, snip, 2 rear socks (tall), and 2 front socks

Adobe: blue roan stallion with a wide blaze and four tall socks (Removed from the range by BLM during the September 2024 gather.)

Bling (February 2024)

black stallion; star, strip, snip, 2 rear socks (tall), and 2 front socks


blue roan mare; wide blaze, 4 tall socks, right eye blue

Cobalt, Derecho, Deja Vu and Amaretto

Cobalt: blue roan colt; blaze, left front sock, 2 rear socks

Derecho: black and white paint stallion; bald face, belly spot, 4 stockings, white on neck and chest

Deja Vu: black mare with a star

Amaretto: palomino mare; wide blaze, 4 socks, and a blue right eye

Deja Vu (December, 2022)

black mare with a star

Derecho, Amaretto, Matrix and Liberty

Derecho: black and white paint stallion; bald face, belly spot, 4 stockings, white on neck and chest

Amaretto: palomino mare; wide blaze, 4 socks, and a blue right eye

Matrix: palomino mare; bald face, right rear sock, left rear stocking, 2 front stockings

Liberty: palomino mare; wide blaze, right front sock, left rear sock and right rear sock

Amaretto and her filly, Foxy (October 2022)

Amaretto: palomino mare; wide blaze, 4 socks, and a blue right eye

Foxy: black (blue roan) filly, 4 socks and a blaze

Orbit, Sky and Acorn

Orbit: palomino filly with a star and disconnected strip, snip, and 4 socks

Sky: cremello mare; blaze, blue eyes (Removed from the range by BLM during the September 2024 gather.)

Acorn: chestnut/sorrel stallion; star, snip, left rear pastern

Acorn (August 2023)

chestnut/sorrel stallion; star, snip, left rear pastern

Sumac and Firestorm

Sumac: buckskin mare; off-center star, 2rear socks

Firestorm: sorrel mare with a star, small snip, and right rear sock

Below is a June, 2022, photo of Wildstar and Sumac. Wildstar was born in 2021; Sumac, Wildstar's dam, was born in 2012.

Wildstar: black filly; star

Sumac: buckskin mare; off-center star, 2rear socks

Gambler and her filly Charm (2021)

Gambler: palomino sabino mare; wide blaze, belly spot on the right side, left front stocking, and a tall left rear sock

Charm: grulla filly with an apron blaze, right blue eye, and a belly spot

Gambler (mid-November 2022)

Gambler: palomino sabino mare; wide blaze, belly spot on the right side, left front stocking, and a tall left rear sock

Gambler (mid-November 2022)


grulla mare with an apron blaze, right blue eye, and a belly spot (April 2024)

Clover, Gizmo and Haven

Clover: chestnut/sorrel mare; star, snip, 2 reat socks (left one tall), and a left front sock (Removed from the range by BLM during the September 2024 gather.)

Gizmo: sorrel/chestnut colt with a star and small strip midnose

Haven: sorrel/chestnut with a blaze, 2 rear stockings, left front stocking, right front sock, and a belly spot (Removed from the range by BLM during the September 2024 gather.)

Gizmo, Argo, and Pyrite (mid-November 2022)

Gizmo: sorrel/chestnut colt with a star and small strip midnose

Argo: black colt with a large star, strip, snip and 4 socks

Pyrite: Pyrite: blue roan colt; star, 2 right pasterns, 2 front coronet

Levi and Rimi

Levi: solid black stallion

Rimi: palomino stallion; blaze, right front pastern, 2 rear pasterns


sorrel/ chestnut stallion; star

Below is a June, 2022, photo of Haven and Wildstar, both 2-year-old mares.

Gambler, Casino, Redbud, Pearl and Diablo

Gambler: palomino sabino mare; wide blaze, belly spot on the right side, left front stocking, and a tall left rear sock

Casino: red dun / grulla mare, born in 2015; narrow blaze, 2 rear socks, and a right front sock (Removed from the range by BLM during the September 2024 gather.)

Redbud: palomino mare; star, small strip (mid nose), small snip, left front sock, right rear sock

Pearl: cremello mare; wide blaze, 2 rear socks, left front sock, 2 blue eyes

Diablo: blue roan stallion; small star, snip, left front coronet, right rear sock, left rear sock (Removed from the range by BLM during the September 2024 gather.)

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