About Friends of the Mustangs
Friends of the Mustangs was established in 1982 by a small group of people who came to love and care about the Little Book Cliff (LBC) wild horse herd and their health and range. We have established a good working relationship with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) through the years, and we are a 501(c) 3 non-profit, non-political organization. The mission of the organization is "to promote the welfare and awareness of mustangs in particular, and to assist the Bureau of Land Management in the maintenance and protection of mustangs, including the Little Book Cliffs Wild Horse Herd and Range." Our membership has grown to around 100 members, and a few of them are from other countries. We are the only group of our kind that works so closely with the BLM and the Little Book Cliff Wild Horse Herd.
The Friends of the Mustangs have received several awards from the BLM for our volunteer support of the horses in the Little Book Cliffs Wild Horse Range (HMA). One of the members was honored to be able to go to Washington, and our darting team received the volunteer of the year award in 2014. For more information about the awards and other recognition, along with photos, click here.
In addition to maintaining trails, keeping water holes and tanks flowing and clean, we also help with the gathers and adoptions associated with the Little Book Cliff herd, along with the prospective adopters. Many of our members are qualified to do checkups on the adopted horses. We do this to ensure the adopters and their adopted horse(s) are getting along well. We attend different events in our area to bring awareness of the wild horses. Occasionally we hold an Open House for the public to meet many of the members and their mustangs and to show that mustangs are trainable. We have mini clinics to educate people about the horse and adoption process, the use of PZP (birth control), training tips and much more.